Blog Housing Winchester

Conservative plans for ‘right to buy’ are bonkers and will mean we lose a large proportion of council housing in Winchester.

The Conservatives have announced plans to force councils to sell off the most expensive 210,000 council houses and use the money to pay for a national programme of ‘right to buy’ for housing associations right across the country.

For Winchester this will be a catastrophe!


First, nearly half (48%) of all councils have sold off or transferred their council housing to housing associations.  Only around have of all councils actually have any council housing at all, and only the councils that do will be paying for this national programme: Winchester is one of them.

This unavoidably means that sales of council housing in Winchester (and other areas with council housing) will be subsidising ‘right to buy’ in the rest of the country. And because we haven’t transferred our council housing to housing associations, we also have less housing association housing than other areas – and so our area will get even less of this money!

To put it another way, 52% of councils – including Winchester – will be subsidising ‘right to buy’ in the other 48% of council areas.

The second problem is that Winchester is an expensive area – in the top 10% of the country for house prices – which means that a much higher proportion of our council housing will be amongst the most expensive 5% of council housing in the country and so will have to be sold when it becomes free.  We have a completely disproportionate share of the ‘most valuable 210,000 properties’ that the Conservatives are planning on using to fund the scheme.  As soon as a family home becomes available, it won’t be used to support people in housing need, but will be flogged off on the open market to pay for ‘right to buy’ somewhere else in the country. And because the biggest cost relating to housing is the cost of the land, we won’t be able to afford to build many replacements. At best, the only type of new council housing we could manage each time we were forced to sell a family homes would be a small flat – and that doesn’t help tackle our affordable housing problem.

So the net effect of this policy is a disaster.  A large proportion of our council housing – especially bigger family homes – will have to be sold off. And our area will see hardly any of the money.

It’s completely bonkers. And another reason to vote for Jackie Porter as the only way to stop the Tories in Winchester on May 7.

Housing Winchester

Winchester’s support for homeless people during the recent cold weather

Several people have emailed me asking questions about Winchester’s support for homeless people during the recent cold weather. I checked with the council’s Housing Options and Support Manager, Steve Tong, and he’s confirmed that the council is currently taking the following actions:

The Council and its partners undertook a rough sleeper count in accordance with DCLG guidelines on 7th November 2012 which recorded 7 people sleeping rough that night.

Winchester Churches Nightshelter has seventeen regular bed spaces for homeless people. During cold weather in the winter months, the Nightshelter increases its capacity with four additional beds funded by the Council under the terms of the Severe Weather Emergency Protocol. SWEP has operated for several nights in the past month. As well as meals and accommodation, the Nightshelter offers an extensive range of support services to its residents.

Trinity Winchester provides a Day Centre for rough sleepers and homeless people, providing hot meals and drinks, and a range of support, counselling and activities to clients. The Council is providing funding to Trinity to offer a personalised budget to rough sleepers, and currently seven clients are in bed and breakfast accommodation paid for via this arrangement.

In addition the council itself currently has three men in its own homelessness accommodation who were sleeping rough until we accepted them into temporary housing.

An outreach service operates three mornings per week operated by Trinity and the Nightshelter which seeks to work with rough sleepers and ensure they have access to the services available.

There are two known rough sleepers who don’t engage with the available services and up to another ten known homeless individuals who are not sleeping rough, but bedding down with friends & relatives.

The national StreetLink telephone line is now live 0300 5000 914 which enables concerned members of the public to alert local authorities to rough sleepers in their area and the Council is signed-up to responding to any referrals made via this service. The website address is

Officers are also working with neighbouring authorities to develop an effective sub-regional response to the national ‘No Second Night Out’ programme and discussing with local partner agencies how we can best implement this initiative in Winchester.

If you’re interested in doing something to help local homeless people more directly (and I realise you may be doing this already), the Night Shelter is always looking for donations or volunteers (see as is Trinity ( I know from personal experience doing ‘overnighters’ at the Night Shelter and shaking buckets for Trinity, that more help (and money) is always needed.

Conference Housing Speech

New Lib Dem Housing Policy

Last week, I proposed a motion putting forward a new housing policy for the Liberal Democrats.  Reassuringly, the motion was carried overwhelmingly!

This is what I said:
[media id=45]
Or, if you prefer to have it in writing, this:

Fellow Liberal Democrats.

Late last night I was reading an excellent report on the housing crisis by Housing Voice and came across the following quote from the 1945 Liberal manifesto:

There is a house famine in the land. Liberals will not be satisfied until there is a separate dwelling for each family at reasonable rent. This can be achieved only by a completely new approach, applying to housing the same drive as was used to produce aircraft and munitions of war. The responsibility should be placed on a Minister of Housing and no vested interests can be allowed to stand in the way. Local authorities must be enabled to borrow at a low rate of interest, and, in no part of the country, be allowed to ignore their obligations.

For a few minutes I thought I should maybe be asking for an emergency delete all and replace amendment – but I realise that finding a policy statement from 1945 doesn’t quite fit the criteria.

But much of the language does still resonate:

While we may not have a house famine in the land, if we continue to fail to match the number of homes we build to the number of households we form every year, we are certainly heading that way.

We are still far from the situation that there is a separate, decent dwelling for every family at a reasonable rent or which people can reasonably buy

We still believe that local authorities should have a critical role and that they should be able to borrow at a low rate of interest.

We definitely need a new approach. We need real drive to fix the problem.

And definitely, very definitely, no vested interests must be allowed to stand in the way.

Because we still do face a housing crisis.

It’s different from the 1940s. But it’s very real, none the less.

For over 40 years – under Governments of all persuasions – we have failed to build enough homes.

Every year we form over 200,000 new households – through ageing, family breakdown and population growth.

And yet, on average, over the last two decades we’ve only built 160,000 homes a year.

And if you don’t build enough homes – market forces kick in. House prices have shot up to be out of reach of ever more people.

Across the UK, the average age of a first time buyer is 35, up from 28 just a decade ago and 24 in the 1960s.

And rents are not immune. These have also been increasing dramatically and putting family budgets under more and more pressure.

Whichever way you cut the cake, we are failing to build enough houses – and it is hitting many people across the UK really hard.

Because this isn’t just about personal finances

Failure to enable everyone to have a decent home has a direct consequence in other areas that are at the heart of Liberal Democrat values and beliefs.

Too many houses are damp – and if a house is damp, the individual or family living there is much more likely to suffer ill-health.

Too many houses are overcrowded – and if a family is living in stressed and cramped conditions – it has a serious impact on a child’s ability to learn.

And the financial instability caused by speculation on land and homes in the run-up to 2008 – combined with the debt and high risk financial instruments used to finance it – was one of the biggest, if not the biggest cause of our current economic crisis.

One area of particular focus in our paper is the private rented sector.

It’s the fastest growing sector.

It has the highest proportion of unfit housing.

While most landlords are good, there are still too many rogues.

And it’s no longer accurate to say that private tenants are students and young professionals.  The fastest growing group in private rented housing is families.

Indeed, nearly a third of households in the private rented sector are families. And yet, the overwhelming majority of people in private rented housing are on short-term – mostly 6-month – tenancies. Completely unsuitable – and completely unable to give families the stability they need.

What sense does a 6 month tenancy make for a family with children in school?

And we’re not just concerned about private tenants.

With housing associations in particular, there has been a trend towards merger and centralisation.

Distant call centres. Unresponsive housing managers. Huge hikes in management fees. While the best social landlords are brilliant, a few aren’t – and this paper puts forward stronger mechanisms to tackle this.

So what are we going to do about it?

Our plan has three main elements:

  • Building more homes
  • Giving tenants more power and security
  • More local control

So first, building more homes.

Building more homes is critical to tackling the housing crisis – and a great way of kick-starting the economy.

It played a critical role in taking Britain out of recession in the 1930s.

It creates jobs in Britain. Every pound spent creates £2.84 of economic activity. Every extra house built per year creates 3-4 extra jobs.

And we have a major backlog to catch-up on so we have set ourselves an ambitious target of increasing the rate of construction until we reach 300,000 homes a year.

Our paper takes a freedom first approach. Finding ways to get more money into housing – from Quantitative Easing, from pension funds, from allowing Housing Associations to borrow against mortgages and from the sensible step of moving our government accounting standards in line with the rest of Europe and giving local authorities greater freedom to borrow.

In the spirit of our 1940s forbears, we take on vested interests – the developers and speculators who are landbanking – with an extension of Community Land Auctions, ‘use it or lose it’ planning permissions and a competition review of the major builders.

And I welcome the first amendment that builds on the idea of taxing unused land with planning permission from the policy paper, expands it and puts it in the motion.

Indeed, the spirit of 1945 seems to be strong in all the proposers of the amendments. I also like the way that the proposers of the third amendment are taking on the vested interests that seek to water down S106 agreements.

Our paper also puts forward ways to strengthen environmental standards. This was one of the hardest areas of the paper because Andrew Stunnell has done such a cracking job fighting for environmental standards that there wasn’t much left that we could find to do! We owe him a great deal across all areas of housing policy.

Secondly giving tenants more say

We must find a way of giving tenants more security with longer tenancies. And if we do it right, this will be good for landlords too – with safer income and fewer voids.

In our paper, we put forward the idea of a mini-lease. Shelter has just put forward a very similar idea in their excellent recent paper on private renting called ‘Stable Rent Contract’ – which is probably a better name! Both allow for a longer tenancy while giving both landlords and tenants more protection.

We put forward a system of licensing. And later in the debate you have the choice of a compulsory national system of licensing – or allowing local authorities to target licensing to areas of greatest need.  I’m a localist and support option A. But our group was not aligned on this and there are some excellent speakers to clarify the issue later in the debate.

Our primary focus for housing associations is the initiative to give groups of tenants the ability to vote to change provider. Not a top-down solution, but giving tenants more power.

While this is a real opportunity for the best housing associations – who will get the opportunity to expand – poorer housing associations will be forced to raise their game – or see their tenants leave.

Finally localism

It was perhaps inevitable that a housing paper with one co-chair from Liverpool and one co-chair from Winchester would realise quite quickly that one size fits all housing policies weren’t going to work.

Thriving neighbourhoods come from local leadership – not from central government policy.

We build on the excellent localism act by finding ways to give even more local control.

For those areas who have problems with second homes – we give local authorities greater powers to control them.

For those areas blighted by empty homes – we build – once again – on Andrew Stunnell’s fantastic work in this area – to give councils – but also housing associations and individuals more power and finance to tackle the problem.

And in the spirit of localism, we’re pleased to support Amendment 2. It’s not for Whitehall, or even, a London think tank that should be deciding local housing plans. And we want to see mixed local communities – not forced ghettoization.

Before I finish I’d like to say thank you to my fellow members of the policy working group – it was a delight and an honour to work with people who care so much and know so much about this issue – and a particular thank you to Bess Mayhew from the Policy Unit for her outstanding support for the group’s work.

Fellow Liberal Democrats

If you back this motion today, you are doing more than signing up to build more homes, give tenants more say  or give communities more power to shape themselves. You are also making a commitment to all the other things that come with a commitment to tackling the housing crisis – jobs, reduced carbon emissions – and for those able to escape bad housing – better health – and a better place for children to learn.

You’ll be taking on vested interests – which is always good.

And you will be strengthening the hand of our Government Ministers – which is even better.

And right across the country, you’ll be making sure that more people have the one thing that is the bedrock on which we all seek to build our lives. A decent home.

And on that basis I ask you to support the motion.

Housing Video Winchester

Dominic Hiscock’s “lucky unlucky” campaign

In 2009/10, we were lucky that, here in Winchester, we had a Mayor who cared passionately about homelessness and raised a large amount to support local homelessness charities.

This is the film that was made to support Dominic’s campaign.
[media id=31 width=521 height=318]
To support homeless people in Winchester, you can donate online to Trinity or to the Nightshelter – and both organisations are also always looking for volunteers. Two other organisations are also actively helping homeless people locally: Emmaus and the Winchester branch of the Salvation Army.

Housing Latest News

Martin Tod backs residents of council sheltered housing wanting warmer homes

Liberal Democrat Prospective MP, Martin Tod, has backed residents of Danemark Court wanting action on heating.

Discussing heating at Danemark Court
Martin Tod discusses the heating problems at Danemark Court with Mrs Esme Lipsham

During the cold period, elderly residents suffered as the boiler at the city council-run Danemark Court sheltered housing complex couldn’t keep up with the job of keeping people warm. Elderly tenants in their 80s and 90s were forced to use electric heaters running up extra bills of hundreds of pounds.  Some were unable to have hot baths or showers.

The council has now said that the boilers will be replaced.

Mr Tod met Mrs Esme Lipsham, 89, who has been organising the campaign to get better heating.

After meeting Mrs Lipsham, Mr Tod commented:

“The residents of Danemark Court are owed an apology.  I’m shocked at how they have been treated.  The City Council has let people down.”

“Since the new communal boilers were installed, central heating for the building just hasn’t been good enough, especially for people whose flats which are furthest from the boiler. Despite what has been said by councillors defending what has happened, switching on the immersion heater isn’t enough to keep the flats warm.”

“Some people have run up extra electricity bills of hundreds of pounds to keep extra electric heaters on so that they stay warm.  The council has promised to pay back the difference, but it’s still very worrying for people with small pensions.”

“One thing that rightly annoys the tenants is that they’ve still not seen councillors or senior council management come along to apologise and explain what’s going to happen.  It’s time for them to stop hiding in their offices and go along to face the music.”