Category Archives: Video

Refreshing the video on this site – starting with

Having a brand new blisteringly fast computer for my birthday means I can start processing and uploading video again.

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Posted in Alresford, Campaign, Video | Leave a comment

BBC Politics Show last Sunday

Last Sunday, I went up to Milestones in Basingstoke to take part in the BBC South edition of the Politics Show.

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The Last Word on Damian Green, the economic & environmental crisis & the Queen’s Speech

Just over a week ago, I took a break from our one week holiday and went to the ITV Millbank studios to record an episode of ‘The Last Word’ for ITV Meridian.  The whole thing was shot in half an …

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Posted in Civil Liberties, Economy, Environment, Privacy, Video | Leave a comment

Winchester Passion

Winchester had a wonderfully gentle atmosphere on Friday evening. Around 10,000 people (according to the Echo) were in the centre for the Winchester Passion. The evening started at Oram’s Arbour and then moved to the Great Hall, followed by the …

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Posted in Passion, Video, Winchester | Leave a comment

Textile Conservation Centre – update

A very good report from Briony Leyland on the threat to Winchester’s Textile Conservation Centre. What’s becoming increasingly clear is that the Government are flunking their responsibilities here. Ian Pearson’s answer to a question that Mark asked in Parliament makes …

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Posted in Mark Oaten, Textile Conservation Centre, Video | Leave a comment