Category Archives: Wordpress

New twitter plugin – to show tweets in rotation

As tweeted yesterday, I’ve just completed a new Wordpress plug-in to show rotating tweets. You can see it here.

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Posted in Technology, Twitter, Wordpress | 536 Comments

WordPress broken your Google map? This is how to fix it

You might have noticed some problems with the Google Map on this site. Irritatingly, the information ‘balloons’ that appear when you click on a map pin were ending up with jagged edges. The problem turned out to be with Wordpress – specifically the TwentyTen stylesheet. This post explains how to fix the problem.

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Updated WordTube code

Just discovered that updating a plug-in deletes any spare files in its directory. As a result, my hack to the Wordtube plugin disappeared. Here it is again:

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Posted in Wordpress | 6 Comments

Experimenting with Social Media Map Pins

Mildly astonished not to have found these somewhere already. Here are some basic attempts at Twitter and Flickr social media map pins for Google Maps.

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Fixing the Wordtube video player to stream from playlists

Ever since moving my video to stream from Amazon, I’d been getting a rather annoying error on the otherwise excellent Wordtube plugin with playlists.

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Posted in Wordpress | 1 Comment