Author Archives: Martin

Stopping terrorist attacks

The atrocity in Manchester was horrifying and very distressing. One of the few points of light has been the failure of ISIS’s strategy of using this kind of attack to polarise the community in Manchester and nationally: they’ve almost completely failed to do this.

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Posted in Meon Valley | Leave a comment

Mini-rant about Gibraltar

Both sides are over-reacting massively here. The Brexiteers are reacting to a (perhaps deliberate?) misunderstanding of the EU letter. Some Remainers are compounding the misdirection by implying that Howard is saying we’ll invade.

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Posted in Europe | Leave a comment

Conservatives vote down tougher action on air quality

Once again, Conservative Councillors at Winchester City Council have voted down a proposal from the Lib Dem group to have a tougher policy on air quality in the city. I summed up on a proposal at today’s council meeting that it should …

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Posted in Air Quality, Latest News, Winchester | 1 Comment

Autumn 2016 St Paul Ward Focus

Topics include: Station Approach, Station Area Parking, New Tory ‘Tip Tax’, Our crossing campaigns, The local vote to ‘remain’. Air Quality. Grammar Schools. Safer Routes to School

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Posted in Air Quality, Education, Parking, Recycling, St Paul, Station Approach, Winchester | Leave a comment

Making Shopify work with UK Gift Aid

At the Men’s Health Forum, we’ve been using Shopify for a while now and we really love it. They have a great value non-profit rate (if you ask nicely). It’s great for handling trading. It’s great for handling digital downloads. …

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Posted in Charity, Gift Aid, Shopify, Technology | 5 Comments