New twitter plugin – to show tweets in rotation

As tweeted yesterday, I’ve just completed a new WordPress plug-in to show rotating tweets.

It’s easy to add using a widget or a shortcode in a post or on a page such as:

[rotatingtweets screen_name="mpntod"]

and, as a result, you get:

At a briefing on the Hampshire Local Transport Plan - an area where we need major change with a much stronger ambitions for decarbonisation and sustainable active travel…

About 2 months ago from Martin Tod's Twitter via Twitter Web App

For a bit more fun, you can add some extra options such as:

[rotatingtweets screen_name="mpntod" rotation_type='toss']

Problem retrieving data from Twitter

And the latest version goes for the official look:

[rotatingtweets screen_name="mpntod" official_format='1']

Problem retrieving data from Twitter

[rotatingtweets screen_name="mpntod" official_format='2']

Problem retrieving data from Twitter

You can also search:

[rotatingtweets search='#secretcourts']

Problem retrieving data from Twitter

You can see the widget in action on the top-right of this page.

You can download the plug-in from here.

All this was only possible due to the good people of WordPress, the Twitter API, jQuery and jQuery Cycle – and Syd who showed me jQuery Cycle in the first place  – so a big thank you to them too! 🙂

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536 Responses to New twitter plugin – to show tweets in rotation

  1. JOHN says:

    Never mind: found literally 10 seconds after posting.

  2. Pingback: Download Source Code Rotating Tweets (widget and shortcode) 1.7.16 |

  3. Marcos says:


    I’d like to know if it’s possible to show posts from a specific user using a specific hashtag?

    Something like
    [rotatingtweets screen_name='your_twitter' search='#live']

  4. Marcos says:

    I’m getting

    Problem retrieving data from Twitter.

    Can you point me in the right direction to solve this?

    thank you

    • Martin says:

      Does the tweet rotate to show other diagnostics? What errors are you seeing on the settings page?

    • On this matter, see if this is the correct behaviour.

      I used the following code:
      in the beginning of the page. But rotating tweets is being loaded at the end of the page.

      In the config I put the loading of the JS in the header

      • Martin says:

        I’m not quite sure what you mean. Are you using a shortcode or a widget? Or some PHP?

        Sometimes if a shortcode loads late in the process, the JS ends up at the bottom of the page.

        • Marcos says:

          Sorry, I added
          echo do_shortcode( “[rotatingtweets screen_name='chumbogordo' official_format='1']” ) ;

          in the header.php file

          Don’t think its that late right? Is this happening because the JS is loaded in the footer?

          • Martin says:

            That will put the code in the header – which may not be where you want it.

            What’s showing in your HTML?

          • Marcos Borges says:

            This is the output of the shortcode

            Problema ao recuperar dados do Twitter

            And this is added at the end of the HTML:

          • Marcos Borges says:

            I just tested it using your user and it worked, even using twitter API info of another account. Then I tested it with a third account, worked the same. Again, not having configured the API.

            Removed all info twitter configs in the plugin. And your user and the third user, still worked, and I got another error in my ChumboGordo account. Problem getting info from the account, please check this.

            Couldn’t this be a config in the twitter account? Could you explain what is different in your account?
            Thank you

  5. The settings page doesn’t show me any errors. I followed the steps, added all fields (consumers keys and access tokens) and it didn’t give me any errors.

  6. Jumacbook says:

    Hi Martin,

    Thanks a lot for this wonderful plugin.
    It does exactly what i need, except that i encoutered the same problem than Marcos.
    i’m using this shortcode : [rotatingtweets search='from:username #specialtag' tweet_count='5'] (username and #specialtag are replaced here by generic terms)
    I’ve tried with the version 1 or 2 of the script, header or footer, https or no, and none of them worked. It keeps saying : error retrieving data from twitter, No Tweet results for search from:username #specialtag

    And the most frustrating is that this end of the link is clickable and point to the twitter search that show me exactly the result that i want.

    i’ve also used the and test with my username and specialtag and it worked.

    if i search only one parameter username or specialtag it works well on the plugin, but it never retreive datas when i use two of them simultanately.

    Thanks by advance for your support 🙂

  7. David says:

    Hi Guys,

    Is there a setting in the shortcode to allow retweets?

    I currently have echo do_shortcode(“[rotatingtweets screen_name='payemeltd' rotation_type='fade' show_meta_timestamp='0' show_meta_via='0']” but it isn’t showing any retweets under the account



  8. una hennessy says:

    Hi Martin, Can the widget show the images which are within a tweet?

    • Martin says:

      Sure – although only in shortcodes. Try including

      • Marta says:

        Hi Martin,

        where shall I include


        to make the Pictures and Videos included in a tweet appear?

        Thank you very much,


        • Martin says:

          In a short code! It’s not currently supported in the widget.

          Something like:

          [rotatingtweets search='#newtoday' show_media=1]
          • Flip says:

            Martin, I know zero about coding. Can you tell me where, specifically, I need to install this shortcode? I have tried installing it on my page, and even tried using a Shortcode Widget plugin. With both, I get a redundant twitter feed beneath my actual twitter feed in my sidebar.

  9. LindaTMuller says:

    Hi Martin, your plugin is the best I’ve seen. It works flawlessly. However, one feature I cannot seem to find in any Twitter plugin is the ability to pull in Notifications – ie Retweets of my posts; Mentions; New followers; Likes; etc. Is there a way to implement these in your plugin via a shortcode or otherwise? Thanks for all you do. I appreciate it!

  10. Birendra Ray says:

    Hi Martin,my site is :-

    i get message:- No Tweet results for search PalmerEmpire in the feed.
    i don’t get any solution right now.

    • Martin says:

      Possibly because the Tweets are protected – and the log-in you’re using doesn’t have access to them? Have you tested it on an unprotected account?

  11. Birendra Ray says:

    my shortcode is: [rotatingtweets screen_name='PalmerEmpire' rotation_type='fade' speed='1000' show_meta_timestamp='0' show_meta_screen_name='0' show_meta_via='0' carousel_responsive ='1' carousel_responsive='1' timeout='5000']

  12. Aurora says:

    Hello Martin,
    Is there any way to set a target for links when placing a shortcode like [rotatingtweets search='#newstoday']? Thanks for this great plugin!!!

    • Aurora says:

      Hey, got that from the php file:
      [rotatingtweets search='#newtoday' links_in_new_window='true']
      did the trick! Thanks 😉

  13. CV says:

    Hi Martin:

    Thank you for this great app! I have been working to install the app on my website, but I have been unable to get the rotating app to even show on my website. I would like the rotating tweets in the header area right under the site-title similar to ivankatrump dot com can you help?

  14. Julia says:

    Thanks for this! I’m trying to use this, but centered. In Chrome it takes my CSS just fine, but Firefox ignores it, perhaps in favor or some absolute positioning inherent to the plugin? Thanks for your help.

    • Martin says:

      Do you want the whole thing centered? Or just the text inside it? It’s hard to debug this without seeing the page.

      Normally I’d solve this kind of problem by making the CSS more and more specific until it works!

      • Julia says:

        Hi Martin, sorry for my super delayed reply and thanks for your help! Here’s the “hidden” site that I’m working on. Scroll down to see the Twitter section. (In Firefox, you can see that it’s off center, and it also cuts off the bottom line if there are three, based on the actual Tweets…) Thanks!

        • Martin says:

          Hi Julia,

          Is it still a problem? I’ve had a go on v 43.0.4 and again on 46.0.1 and there doesn’t seem to be an issue.

          Best wishes,


          • Julia Barry says:

            Hi Martin, Unfortunately I do still see the issue with Firefox 50.1.0. There are no 3-line Tweets at the moment so I can’t get a screenshot of that, but the off-center issue is still there. I have screenshots but don’t know how to post here… Thanks!

          • Julia Barry says:

            Hi Martin, I wrote back to you January 25th but the reply doesn’t seem to be here. Oh no! Yes, the problem is still there. I’m on Firefox v. 51.0.1. I have screenshots of the centering issue, if you can tell me where to email them to you. (I don’t have shots of the 3-line issue, because there are no current Tweets that long to demonstrate.) Thanks!

          • Julia Barry says:

            Hi Martin, I do still see the issue. I’m on Firefox v. 50.0.1. on a MacBook Pro. Some of the Tweets look ok, but the short ones are off to the side. I emailed you screenshots. Thanks!

  15. fiena says:

    I’ve installed the widget version and receive the following error (the username is correct):

    Problem retrieving data from Twitter.

  16. Stan says:

    Nice plugin, thanks. Is there a way to force only a certain number of the newest tweets? As things are now it seems like a random selection of a few tweets from during the past two weeks or so. I found good info in the ‘readme.txt’

    I’m using shortcode at
    [rotatingtweets screen_name='artsgeorgia' official_format='1' speed='3000' links_in_new_window='true' show_follow='1']

    Also, if there are any guidelines for styling the content, I’d like to check it out.I’ve been able to control some things.

    Thanks for any help. Stan

  17. Stan says:

    I made it to the ‘plugins/rotatingtweets/#installation’ page and answered my own question about specifying number of tweets to display. thanks.

  18. David says:

    Hey Martin, I mentioned a qhile ago about the Twitter “Like” changing from “Favourite”. Is this going to get implemented do you know?


  19. Eileen says:

    Hello: We are a sports site, with each sport having their own twitter account. Can I setup this plugin to be used by 20 or more different twitter accounts, each displayed on it’s own sports page? Any suggestions?

  20. mauxie says:

    How can i show more than one tweet at time?
    [rotatingtweets screen_name="damautor" official_format='2' tweet_count='4' show_media=1 links_in_new_window='true' rotation_type='carousel' carousel_count='2' ]
    i think i’m doing something wrong
    Thank you!

  21. Mauricio says:

    How can i show more than one tweet at time?
    [rotatingtweets screen_name="damautor" official_format='2' tweet_count='4' show_media=1 links_in_new_window='true' rotation_type='carousel' carousel_count='2' ]
    i think i’m doing something wrong
    Thank you!

  22. Ganns says:

    Hi Martin! Love the plugin, and thank you for your hard work and dedication to making it. I recently tried to use it for a site using Divi (an Elegant Themes WordPress theme), but when I entered it into the shortcode section, it didn’t work and just displayed the message “problem retrieving data from Twitter”. Has anyone else come back to you with this kind of error? Any ideas on how I can go about fixing it?

  23. Rob says:

    How do i change the background colour of the widget (footer1)? I want it to appear on a white background rather than my default footer colour. However I want to retain the default footer colour for everything else (footer 3-4).

  24. Vitaliy says:

    Hello Martin,

    What could be the problem?

  25. Pingback: Comment intégrer Twitter à WordPress : le guide complet - site web ecommerce

  26. Pingback: 6+ Best Twitter Plugins & Widgets for WordPress - WP Guy News

  27. Pingback: 6+ Best Twitter Plugins & Widgets for WordPress - WP Epitome

  28. Pingback: 6+ Best Twitter Plugins & Widgets for WordPress – Roundacademy Curated Content

  29. Pingback: 6+ Best Twitter Plugins & Widgets for WordPress | Elegant Themes Blog | KERBCO Web Services

  30. Pingback: 6+ Best Twitter Plugins & Widgets for WordPress - Wordpress Blogging

  31. Jim says:

    does this still work for wordpress in 2024?

    • Martin says:

      It’s no longer possible to get the latest feed from Twitter/X in the way that it once was – and I’m not too keen on spending the money on a developer licence to find out how to make it work.

      Thinking that it may be more useful to convert it to work with Bluesky or Mastodon!

  32. paul holzman says:

    Hi there, Martin.

    First off, thank you for this great plugin!
    I was wondering if there is an update slated anytime soon. Currently, Jetpack is picking up a vulnerability (details here:

    Thanks for your time and efforts!

Warning: Undefined variable $req in /homepages/12/d143831057/htdocs/winchester/wp-content/themes/winmarm2/functions.php on line 2397

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