Updated WordTube code

Just discovered that updating a plug-in deletes any spare files in its directory.

As a result, my hack to the Wordtube plugin disappeared.

This messed up my solution to the Wordtube streaming playlist problem.

To avoid having to re-upload my re-edited version of the myextractXML.php file every time the plug-in is uploaded, here it is again:

< ?php /* +----------------------------------------------------------------+ + wordtube-XSPF XML output for playlist + by Alex Rabe reviewed by Alakhnor + required for wordTube +----------------------------------------------------------------+ */ // look up for the path if ( !defined('ABSPATH') ) require_once( dirname(__FILE__) . '/wordtube-config.php'); global $wpdb; // get the path url from querystring $playlist_id = $_GET['id']; $title = 'WordTube Playlist'; $themediafiles = array(); $limit = ''; if (substr($playlist_id,0,4) == 'last') { $l= (int) substr($playlist_id,4); if ($l <= 0) $l = 10; $limit = ' LIMIT 0,'.$l; $playlist_id = '0'; } // Otherwise gets most viewed if ($playlist_id == 'most') { $themediafiles = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->wordtube WHERE counter >0 ORDER BY counter DESC LIMIT 10");
// Otherwise gets mp3
} elseif ($playlist_id == 'music') {
$themediafiles = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->wordtube WHERE file LIKE '%.mp3%' ORDER BY vid DESC");
// Otherwise gets flv
} elseif ($playlist_id == 'video') {
$themediafiles = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->wordtube WHERE file LIKE '%.flv%' ORDER BY vid DESC");
// Shows all files when 0
} elseif ($playlist_id == '0') {
// Updated to work with version 3.6 of the database
$themediafiles = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT * FROM $wpdb->wordtube ORDER BY vid DESC ".$limit );
// Otherwise gets playlist
} else {
// Remove all evil code
$playlist_id = intval($_GET['id']);
$playlist = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->wordtube_playlist WHERE pid = '$playlist_id'");
if ($playlist) {
$select = " SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->wordtube} w";
$select .= " INNER JOIN {$wpdb->wordtube_med2play} m";
// Updated to work with version 3.6 of the database
$select .= " WHERE (m.playlist_id = %d" ;
$select .= " AND m.media_id = w.vid) GROUP BY w.vid ";
$select .= " ORDER BY m.porder {$playlist->playlist_order} ,w.vid {$playlist->playlist_order}";
// Updated to work with version 3.6 of the database
$themediafiles = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( $select , $playlist_id ) );
// End update
$title = $playlist->playlist_name;

// Create XML / XSPF output

echo "\n"."";
echo "\n\t".'' . esc_attr($title) . '';
echo "\n\t".'';

if (is_array ($themediafiles)){

foreach ($themediafiles as $media) {

$creator = esc_attr(stripslashes($media->creator));
if ($creator == '')
$creator = 'Unknown';
if ($media->image == '')
$image = get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-content/plugins/' . dirname( plugin_basename(__FILE__) ) . '/images/wordtube.jpg';
$image = $media->image;
$file = pathinfo($media->file);
// Added by MT starts
$mediafile = $media->file;
if (substr($mediafile, 0, 4) == 'rtmp') {
preg_match('/^(.+)\?id=(.+)/', $mediafile, $match);
if (!empty ($match)) {
$streamer = $match[1];
$mediafile = $match[2];
// ends
echo "\n\t\t".'';
echo "\n\t\t\t".'' . esc_attr( stripslashes($media->name) ) . '';
echo "\n\t\t\t".'' . esc_attr($creator) . '';
echo "\n\t\t\t".'' . esc_attr($mediafile) . ''; //modified by MT
// Added by MT
echo "\n\t\t\t".'' . esc_attr($streamer) . '';
// ends
echo "\n\t\t\t".'' . esc_attr($image) . '';
echo "\n\t\t\t".'' . esc_attr( stripslashes($media->description) ) . '';
echo "\n\t\t\t".'' . $media->vid . '';
echo "\n\t\t\t".'' . $media->counter . '';
echo "\n\t\t\t".'' . esc_attr($media->link) . '';
echo "\n\t\t".'';
} else {

echo "\n\t".'';
echo "\n"."\n";


Updated again!

This code was further updated on October 16, 2013 to reflect this change to the WordPress API.

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6 Responses to Updated WordTube code

  1. LUCHOSAR says:

    Greetings from Colombia.
    I’ve done what you mention but I get the list of thumbnails in the sidebar, some solution. Thanks.
    Please write to me you mundocrea1@hotmail.com
    (google translator)

  2. andres says:

    it has got to be a weird coincidence that im from colombia too and i also have the same darn problem with the playlists, gonna try ur fix

  3. Emma says:

    Thanks for the code – exactly what I needed.


  4. skarld says:

    Thanks for updated WordTube update. Works on WordPress 3.7.1

  5. beachbum says:

    Thank you so much for this fix. I never noticed the playlist stop working but the php errors were bugging me all this time and I just let it go until today I finally had some time to research it.

    Cheerz to you sir.

Warning: Undefined variable $req in /homepages/12/d143831057/htdocs/winchester/wp-content/themes/winmarm2/functions.php on line 2396

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