Environment Latest News

Lib Dem Campaign Secures Funding for Park Home Pilot Study

The ongoing campaign by Winchesters Liberal Democrats has secured funding for a pilot study, on Park Home insulation and heating efficiency technologies, to be situated in Winchester.

The Winchester MP and Liberal Democrat Prospective Parliamentary Candidates for Winchester and the Meon Valley, Martin Tod and Liz Leffman, launched their Park Homes campaign in October and since then have contacted all Park Home residents within the constituency.

By bringing together National Energy Action and Winchester City Council they have been able to identify appropriate sites and start the ball rolling for a pilot study to get underway. It means that some Park Home residents in Flowerdown Park, Littleton, will soon be benefiting from new technologies aimed at reducing emissions, reducing bills and better insulating their homes.

The aim of the project is to demonstrate that low cost methods are available to help insulate Park Homes so that they may be included in Government schemes. At present Park Homes are classified in such a way that they are excluded from the vast majority of Government assistance to those in fuel poverty, such as Warm Front.

While Mark Oaten has been raising this issue in Parliament through Early Day Motions and in debates, locally discussions were under way to site one of the pilot studies taking place across the country within the Winchester constituency.

Mark Oaten commented:

“This is all about showing the Government that the technologies exist to help Park Home owners the same as any other home owner. Excluding them because of legal technicalities just isn’t fair.

 “I’m pleased to say that there does appear to be some movement from the Governments side but this needs to happen faster. The latest cold snap reminds us all again, if that was needed, just how important it is to be able to afford to heat your home.

 Martin Tod, PPC for Winchester, added:

 “Winchester has one of the highest carbon footprints in the country so ensuring we can all do our bit to change this is vital. At the same time far too many people are still living in fuel poverty.

 “So I am delighted that Winchester has now got the funding to take part in a pilot study for new insulation technologies. Lets hope that the Government sit up and take notice of the results and make the necessary changes to their schemes.

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