More than 950 students back Lib Dem campaign at Winchester’s Freshers’ Fayre

More than 950 students backed the Lib Dem campaign against tuition fees at the University of Winchester’s Fresher’s Fayre on Saturday.
Freshers Fayre photos
Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate, Martin Tod, commented:

“This year was even better than last year. Every year, more students back our campaigns, sign petitions and sign up to the Liberal Democrats – and this year was no exception. We ran out of badges and nearly ran out of stickers. There is still enormous support for our campaign to scrap tuition fees and more students joined Winchester Liberal Democrats than ever before.”

Ray Love, local ward Councillor for St Paul’s added:

“I’ve helped run our stall at the Freshers’ Fair for many years now and this was our best year ever. We had queues of people wanting to sign our petitions.”

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