Prospective Lib Dem MP joins Winchester Friends of the Earth campaigning to fix the food chain

Liberal Democrat Prospective MP for Winchester, Martin Tod, joined Winchester Friends of the Earth campaigning to fix the food chain on Sunday, October 4th outside the Cathedral Close.

Loads of people are backing the campaign - more at -

Friends of the Earth are campaigning to get MPs to support an Early Day Motion which will encourage the use of local feed for livestock instead of soya produced by clearing areas of Amazon rainforest.
Over 200 local people signed up to back the campaign.

Martin Tod commented:

“Tackling climate change is one of the most urgent challenges we face – and fixing the way we get food is part of that. Certainly, if we can’t fix the food chain in this parliament, then we need to do it early in the next.

“The impact of livestock farming on climate change varies a lot according to the methods and feeds that farmers use and how far the resulting meat and dairy products have to travel. It makes a real difference to buy locally produced food reared with locally grown feed.

“Most of the farmers I’ve spoken to locally grow their own feed, or are buying their feed locally – and for as much of the year as possible, feed their livestock on good Hampshire grass. It’s this kind of farming we need to encourage, not intensive farming by big agri-business using soya grown by cutting down rainforest.”

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