Highest Lib Dem share of the vote in Winchester local elections for 10 years

We’re all stunned by the great results of the elections last Thursday:

  • More votes and more seats in the Winchester District and the new Winchester constituency than the Tories
  • Highest Lib Dem share of the vote in Winchester district or county elections since 1998 
  • Swing from the Conservatives to the Liberal Democrats for the second year running

We knew that our campaign for a greener, fairer and safer Winchester was getting a strong response – and that people were reacting well to the strong record of our candidates – but getting the highest vote for 10 years was more than we expected!

The picture in the new Winchester Constituency was even better: 49% of the vote, vs only 43% for the Conservatives, and 12 out of 17 seats.  Unfortunately we missed winning Hiltingbury West by only 20 votes or it would have been 13 out of 17 seats.

Even if you include the latest results from the wards which weren’t up this year (which are all Conservative), we still beat the Tories by 48% to 44%.

Overall, a very encouraging night.  And a big thank you owed to all the people who worked so incredibly hard and, most of all, to all the people who voted for us on Thursday.

Post-note: I’ve just checked the County Results.  Our results outperformed those as well – so I’ve updated the post accordingly.

This entry was posted in Chandlers Ford, City Council, Elections, Winchester. Bookmark the permalink.

4 Responses to Highest Lib Dem share of the vote in Winchester local elections for 10 years

  1. Pingback: Local elections: further post-results analysis | Liberal Democrat Voice

  2. David CT says:


  3. Pingback: Local elections: further post-results analysis | Mark Pack

  4. Pingback: Local elections: further post-results analysis

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