February 21, 2008: Version 1.2. Bug-fix to ensure that it works with the new datastructure in the latest versions of WordPress. A huge thank you to Will Howells for fixing this.
September 16, 2006: Version 1.1. Bug-fix to ensure that it ‘remembers’ your root page when the Widget page is updated.
Here’s the first of two new WordPress Widgets, and, for the first time, it’s not Lib Dem specific.
It lets you show a subsection of the pages of your WordPress blog. The options page for the widget shows a drop-down box of all the pages in your blog. Select one of them and only pages below that will be displayed by the widget on the menu.
I’m using it on Make IT Policy to have a menu section that only shows the pages of the Make IT Policy policy paper.
You can find the Widget here on the WordPress website.
If you already have widgets installed as part of your WordPress installation, you can try this widget out yourself. All you need to do to use it:
- Download the ldpagehierarchy.zip file, extract the ldpagehierarchy.php file and save it or upload it into your widget plug-ins directory.
- Go into the ‘Plugins’ area of your WordPress installation and activate the ‘Sub page hierarchy’ widget.
- Go into the ‘Sidebar Widgets’ section of the ‘Presentation’ area of WordPress, and drag your new ‘Sub page hierarchy’ widget to the desired location.
- Hit the configure icon, select the page that is the parent of the pages you want to show in your page hierarchy and then close the configuration box.
- Hit ‘Save Changes’
er, that’s it.
If you don’t have widgets installed, head off to Automaticc’s Widgets project page and follow their extremely helpful instructions on how to install widgets and add them to your blog template.
You can find lots of useful widgets via the WordPress Widgets blog.
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