Lib Dem radio?

I’ve uploaded a podcast of Ming’s speech on nuclear energy this morning.

I’ve actually got the entire press conference recorded from beginning to end including journalist questions. Might it be worth starting up a Lib Dem radio podcast that included that kind of content and/or aggregated any Lib Dem podcasts or other audio files around the web?

Comments welcome.

Mistaken identity

According to the Guardian website, and Wikipedia, and the Lib Dem website, and his own website, and the Hillhead High website, Ming Campbell was educated at a state school – Hillhead High, Glasgow.

According to the Guardian double-page photo spread on June 16 (G2, page 11), he was educated privately in a different city, at George Watson’s College, Edinburgh. This is presumably because the person writing the article confused him with Menzies Campbell, the leading dental historian (1887-1974), not to any partisan political intent. 🙂

To their credit, the reader’s editor has written back to say they will be publishing a correction.

Lib Dem buttons via Javascript

Another nifty piece of Javascript for you all…

This one generates the following party campaign buttons shown on the right hand side front page of this site (just below the Lib Dem blogs box):

<script type="text/javascript" 

And when new campaigns are launched nationally, the buttons should update automatically.

Now to widgetise it…

Another Lib Dem widget

Hat-tip to Will Howells for creating the second Lib Dem widget.

The rather fine ‘Lib Dem blogs’ plug in on the right hand side (of the front page).

Will’s still tweaking it, but let him know if you’d like to try the latest version.

For all the latest news on Lib Dem widgets, check out this blogs ‘widget’ category.


Will has now supplied me with the original code. If you already have widgets installed as part of your WordPress installation, you can try this widget out yourself. All you need to do to use it:

  1. Download the ldblogbox.php.txt file and save it or upload it into your widget plug-ins directory under the name ‘ldblogbox.php’
  2. Go into the ‘Plugins’ area of your WordPress installation and activate the ‘LibDemBlogs link box’ widget.
  3. Go into the ‘Sidebar Widgets’ section of the ‘Presentation’ area of WordPress, and drag your new ‘LibDemBlogs box’ widget to the desired location.
  4. Hit ‘Save Changes’

er… that’s it.

And if you’re not a widget user…

In case you’re not a widget user, here’s some simple code which can also be used to sign people up to your site…

<script language="JavaScript"
src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

should produce the following:

In case you’re not a widget user, here’s some simple code which can also be used to sign people up to your site…

<script language="JavaScript"
src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

should produce the following:

Again… any ideas for improvement are most welcome. There’s obviously loads that could be done to make it ultra-sexy but I didn’t want to take over other people’s styling… so I’ve left people to write their own header for it and the whole form is in a <div class="supporterForm"> so anyone who wants to style it according to their own design on their site can do so if they’re happy playing with CSS. Anyone fancy rewriting it using Ajax? 🙂

A Lib Dem widget

If you look on the top-right of the side bar on this blog’s home page, you may be able to see a sign-up box for the Lib Dem Supporters network. It’s more or less the same one that we’re using on Ming’s website.

That sign-up box is the world’s first Lib Dem WordPress Widget! 🙂

If you already have widgets installed as part of your WordPress installation, you can try this widget out yourself. All you need to do to use it:

  1. Download the ldsupporters.php.txt file and save it or upload it into your widget plug-ins directory under the name ‘ldsupporters.php’
  2. Go into the ‘Plugins’ area of your WordPress installation and activate the ‘Lib Dem supporters box’ widget.
  3. Go into the ‘Sidebar Widgets’ section of the ‘Presentation’ area of WordPress, and drag your new ‘e-supporters’ widget to the desired location.
  4. Hit ‘Save Changes’

er… that’s it.

If you don’t have widgets installed, head off to Automaticc’s Widgets project page and follow their extremely helpful instructions on how to install widgets and add them to your blog template.

Good luck. All suggestions for new widgets or improvements to this one (which is currently rather primitive) are much appreciated!