250 people have now signed up to Flock Together.
Unfortunately they keep finding new very sensible things for me to do.
The users of Constructaregion have so far been more tolerant.
Politics, innovation and technology…
Overall category for anything related to politics
250 people have now signed up to Flock Together.
250 people have now signed up to Flock Together.
Unfortunately they keep finding new very sensible things for me to do.
The users of Constructaregion have so far been more tolerant.
Winston Churchill writing to Labour Home Secretary Herbert Morrison on November 21, 1943:
“The power of the executive to cast a man in prison without formulating any charge known to the law and particularly to deny him the judgment of his peers is in the highest degree odious and is the foundation of all totalitarian government, whether Nazi or Communist.”
Testing of the new ‘Flock Together’ website continues apace.
Testing of the new ‘Flock Together’ website continues apace.
It now handles meetings, by-elections, socials, you name it. The intention is to make it much simpler for people to get involved with Liberal Democrat activities. Ideally it will enable ‘peer to peer’ involvement without people needing to get caught up in the complexity of how a political party is structured.
Encouragingly Google Maps appears to no longer crash the site when you look at it with IE (touch wood – and entirely thanks to a very useful article on the topic on the Bite my bytes weblog for which many thanks).
Comments, thoughts and suggestions most welcome.