Who’s responsible for the council’s failings?

This followed a letter in the Hampshire Chronicle attacking council offers for recent failures at the council.
Cllr Gottlieb is wrong to blame all the ills of the council on the council’s senior management team.
The people that authorised the Station Approach Planning Brief and the Highcliffe Consultation – and who agreed to continuing the Station Approach development despite three out of five architects dropping out – and who are also legally accountable for most decisions of the council – are the Council’s Leader and Cabinet.  And for all of the last 5 years – and for all the decisions Cllr Gottlieb mentions – the Council Leader and Cabinet have been Conservative.
While opposition Liberal Democrat and Labour councillors – and, on occasion, even some Conservative Councillors – have been able to put up proposals for reform and arguments against the proposals put forward by the Conservative administration – and have done so in all the cases he mentions, in almost all cases the Conservative Cabinet have ignored them or the Conservative majority have voted them down.
If Councillor Gottlieb wants to know what it will take to change the council and change the priorities of council officers, the answer is simple.  The Conservatives need to be voted out.
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