Back in March 2006, Winchester City Council, then led by the Lib Dems, put forward a carbon management programme which committed the City Council to a 50% reduction in emissions by 2012.
It had clear targets.
It had a clear baseline measurement to compare against.
And it laid out a draft implementation plan to kick off the process of delivering those targets.
The Conservatives took over control of the council a few weeks later.. and since then – silence.
Their recently published strategy paper – Live for the Future: Tackling Climate Change – and the accompanying action plan – make no reference to these previously agreed targets – nor do they set any targets to replace them. Indeed, one of its most disappointing features is that the strategy paper sets almost no targets for anything.
So, while it’s good that the Council is thinking about CO2 levels for the District as a whole, it’s not enough. They need to start by putting their own house in order.
Rather than scrapping, sidelining or ignoring their CO2 target, the Council should be strengthening it.
Lib Dem-led Eastleigh Borough Council is aiming for Carbon Neutrality: I’d love to see Winchester City Council do the same.