There are some unsubstantiated rumours going round that the Nick Clegg campaign has been using Ming Campbell’s email list from the last leadership election.
Let’s set the record straight here.
I ran Ming’s online leadership campaign last time.
I’m the only person with an archive of Ming’s online supporter database and of the ‘campbell campaign’ email news list.
No-one else has got them. No-one else has asked for them. Ming has not asked me to provide them to anyone. And I haven’t done so.
I’ve seen the various lists that were used during the recent ‘teamclegg’ cockup – because I advised them on how to sort the situation out. They were mostly cobbled together from public sources (websites, regional handbooks etc.). They certainly didn’t use Ming’s supporters’ list.
And in case you think I’m biased on this, just for the record, I’m backing Chris (about which more later).
(And, no, he hasn’t got the lists either).