Result! Winchester bus passes to start at 9 a.m.

Martin Tod collects a signature from Audrey Bayes on the Lib Dem 'Bad Timing' petitionGood news! The Conservatives have finally given in to popular pressure on the start time for over-60s bus passes in the Winchester District.

Current bus passes allow free travel from 9 a.m.  Back in September, the Conservatives announced that they intended to move the start time to 9.30 a.m.

We objected to the plan at the time, increased the pressure at the Council Meeting on January 9th, launched a petition against it last Thursday, January 17th (see photo left), launched the ‘Bad Timing’ website as part of the campaign on Monday and press released the launch on Tuesday.

The campaign got off to a very encouraging start.  Even though it was pouring with rain when I was out collecting signatures, almost everyone we talked to wanted to sign up.

As late as Tuesday, the Conservative administration on the County Council were still arguing for the 9.30 a.m. start at a meeting of Parish Council leaders.  But earlier today they did a u-turn and decided to go back to the original timing.

Good! Local bus services have been attacked enough by the Conservatives running the County Council without the City Council joining in too.

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1 Responses to Result! Winchester bus passes to start at 9 a.m.

  1. Rob Harvey says:

    Dear Mr Tod.

    I thank you for your work on the Stanmore Hotel, and having read your website. also thank you for your other hard work for Winchester. I think you wil make a fine MP, and I have registered with the Liberal-democrat Party (my first involvement in politics ever!).

    If your colleagues can provide me with the necessary documents. I will be pleased to join up with your Party.

    Best wishes

    Rob Harvey

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