Four new Lib Dem policy consultation websites

Another shiny new Lib Dem site goes up.

We’ve just released the new policy consultation website –

It’s built on the previous experience of Rob Fenwick’s Meeting the Challenge website and the Make IT Policy consultation site that Richard Allan and I worked on back in 2002 and has the consultations for:

The Taking Power consultation (another Allan/Tod production together with Alex Davies and Paul Tyler) has generated more response than I expected – so it will be interesting to see how much response these generate.

And what do points mean?

This year, for the first time, there’s going to be a competition for the ‘Liberal Democrat Blog of the Year‘ at conference.

There’s an online entry form on the federal party site.

The party has declared an interesting criterion:

the blog that has done the most to promote liberalism in the last year

Not necessarily the same as ‘the most entertaining’ or ‘the blog you go to first’.

The competition, combined with the various bloggers’ parties planned for conference, suggest an encouraging increase in the party’s engagement with the blogosphere.

I probably will post here when I’ve decided how to vote, but first I am going to go and reread the archive of Lib Dem blogs and see which posts, if any, made it into my tags.