
Every door knocked on…

After campaigning 7 days a week for the last three weeks, I’ve now knocked on every member’s door. The new Winchester constituency has over 430 members – so knocking on doors has provided a great opportunity to get to know every part of it.

I’ve drunk numerous cups of tea (for which, many thanks!), had the pleasure of seeing the leaves change colour and fall across the constituency, helped capture a carnivorous ladybird (see below), and been caught in rather more rainstorms that I would really like.

I’m also really grateful to the many people who have committed their support to me.

In Winchester, many people have told me about their respect for Mark’s hard work as Winchester’s MP over the last 9 years – ‘the best constituency MP Winchester has ever had’.

There’s equal praise for Sandra’s work in Chandler’s Ford over the last 6 years since the by-election.

People have told me about their concerns about local health and social care services, about their worries about cuts to the hospital, and about some of the issues that there have been over housing and planning, due to an over-centralised system which doesn’t let local people and local councillors have a proper say.

They’ve also told me about their desire to see us take a more ambitious approach on the environment and transport – with more 20 mph zones and cycle paths in Winchester, improved recycling and more local action and campaigning to tackle climate change across the whole constituency.

There’s a lot of energy to reinvigorate our campaigning, and use new campaigning techniques – and recognition of what a tough fight the next election will be. There’s also a desire to have more political discussion and improved internal communication.

Over the next few days I’m going to be continuing to contact people. If you’d like to meet up, please give me a call on 07887 986048 or email me on

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